News from 2012
A Level Presentation Evening 2012
Wednesday 19th Decmber, 2012 was the chance for students, parents and teachers to celebrate the successes of this summer's exams. A great evening was had by all. For pictures of the evening, click here. If you still need to collect certificates, please call into school and collect them from the exam office.
Christmas Concert 2012
Once again the students and staff have shown what tremendous musical talent exists at Redborne. This year's Christmas Concert was a huge success. For pictures of the evening, please click here.
Year 12 Geography Trip to the Lakes
From 20th to 23rd November, year 12 Geography students made the annual journey to the Blencathra Field Studies Centre near Keswick in the Lake District. The trip was designed to allow students to gain fieldwork experience, which will enable them to complete the skills examination paper in the summer. It also allowed them to see the features that they have been learning about in Geography lessons first-hand.
On our first full day, students walked to the picturesque valley of the Glenderaterra Beck to undertake field measurements of the river that would be analysed back in the centre’s well-equipped classroom. Thanks to the preceding days of rain, students collected data that was well above normal levels. Students used these results to test their hypotheses, which were based on Bradshaw’s model of downstream changes, allowing them to draw some interesting conclusions.
The second day of fieldwork took the group up into the post-glacial valleys west of Grasmere village. The students enthusiastically donned head-to-toe waterproofs and braved the elements to walk to Easedale Tarn. The walk, which had to be re-routed several times - thanks to some flooded paths - was rewarded with a view of the spectacular corrie and its tarn, which spilled powerfully into Sour Milk Gill. Lunch had to be eaten under temporary shelters – one of which turned out to have a large ‘window’ through which to take in the views! Later we made our way back to the centre for a well-deserved hot shower, a bowl of hearty soup and a substantial dinner.
Before leaving, students were taken on a guided tour of the lowland glacial features nearby - drumlins, roches moutonées, moraines, (McDonalds), before our return journey on the train from Penrith.
For the staff, it was a pleasure to be able to take this enthusiastic and interested group of geographers on such a worthwhile trip. Special thanks to Mrs Wheeler and Mr Burton, without whom the trip would not have been possible. Click here for more photos.
Fashion and Textiles
All our students are working hard towards their GCSE's or Fashion and Clothing units.
The display in North School foyer celebrates some of the work of Year 13 fashion students who studied the 1950's era and produced research, design development and a product to a brief.
Keep the evening of the 27th June 2013 free as you will be able to see a full exhibition of their 2 years of work and probably displayed in the new building!!
The Great Redborne Bake Off
Following on from another successful year of the BBC series, a group of year 9 students with a passion for baking have joined ‘The Great Redborne Bake off’. The aim of the club is to develop student’s practical skills and enthusiasm for baking.
Each week the students make a complex baked product from their own ‘Bake Off’ recipe book which has so far included a classic Victoria sponge, cheese straws and carrot cupcakes complete with fondant carrot decorations. The students will also be making and decorating their own individual Christmas cakes this half term to develop their skills of working with different icing techniques.
The club has again proven highly successful with students making a range of high skilled and quality products. All members of catering club agree the sessions are fun and rewarding, particularly when they can take home and share their hard work with friends and family. In the New Year they will be challenging themselves with more complex recipes including profiteroles and millionaires shortbread.
Redborne Eco Calendar for Sale
Congratulations go to:
Charlotte Moses, Alfie Smeeth, Ceri Rust (x2), Erin Barnard (x2), Michael Fox, Madelaine Baker, Pierce Griffith,, Charlotte Fisher (x2) and Emily Nunn.
These students will receive a copy of the calendar for each photo of theirs that was selected. The calendar is now on sale at £6 each, or two for £10.
Redborne Racing Update
Arkwright Scholarship
One of our Arkwright Scholars, Oscar Gill, has just been given the EEESTA Innovation Award as a most promising and talented Arkwright scholar by EEESTA (East of England Engineering, Science and Technology Association). Oscar received a certificate and a cheque for £150 in a ceremony at the start of their Prestige Seminar (Discovering the Hidden Universe) held at the University of Hertfordshire. Applications are shortly being taken from current Year 11 students thinking of following an Engineering course at university in the future and any interested students should see Mr Forbes. Successful scholars receive £300 per year to support their A Level studies.
GCSE Presentation Evening 2012
Wednesday 228th December was the presentation of certificates to all students who took their GCSEs last summer. It was an excellent evening with the opportunity to thank parents for their support as well a chance for Form Tutors to remind students of their achievements over the past three year in various forms of poetry and speeches. It was a fun packed evening enjoyed by all. For pictures of the evening, please click here. Certificates not collected on the evening can be claimed from the exam office.
Supporting Nelson Mandela Children's Fund
Black History Month celebrated in Dance
Year 12 and 13 students have been studying the black choreographer Alvin Ailey and his his black African American dance company The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre -which he started in 1958 to provide opportunities for black dancers!!
The students learnt some repertoires from his famous work 'Revelations' 1960 which places the African American experience as central in American culture as well as celebrating African American music as historically significant (ie gospel, spirituals and blues).
The pictures are from the song 'Preaching Spiritual' whereby the women are in church listening to the pastor and celebrating their religious faith!
Visit to Ampthill's Twin Town
Mr Flynn, Head of Modern Foreign Languages, took some time out during his summer holidays to visit Ampthill's twin town of Nissan in south-west France.
Open Evening
Open evening once again attracted hundreds of people to Redborne, filling the hall to capacity for all three of the Headteacher's presentations. About half of the school's student population returned for the evening to show off their school to the visitors. Feedback from parents was very positive and thanks should be passed on to all who made it such a successful evening. Even the rain stopped to show the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow. Should you require any further information about the school, please contact us.
The Cake and Bake Show
On Saturday 22nd September 2012, twenty five Catering students in year 10, 11 and 12 headed to London to the ‘Cake and Bake Show’ at Earls Court Exhibition Centre. There was a lot for the students to see and do at the show including viewing entries to the ‘edible beach cake decorating competition’, purchasing materials and resources for making their own cakes and having a go at decorating a cupcake. There were also two live demonstration areas where famous chefs from the world of baking showed off their talents, including Paul Hollywood from the television programme ‘The Great British Bakeoff’. One of the highlights of the day for the students was getting their recipe books and tickets signed by Paul as well as being able to talk to him and have their photos taken with him. The students were also very lucky collecting lots of free materials to use in their baking. Everyone agreed it had been a great day out and can’t wait to go back again next year! (Miss Ives)
South Africa 2012
As part of our continuing work with our partner school in South Africa - Van Cutsem Combined School - we sent a small group from Redborne to South Africa this July. We were accompanied by 2 teachers and 5 students from Biddenham Upper and one colleague from Van Dyke.
One of the main aims of the visit was to support each South African school in their delivery of the Science curriculum and Mr Gray and Ms Brennan delivered some lessons to inspire both learners and educators. Education is seen as a way out of poverty and hence has a huge importance to many of the learners. The other aim was to leave a legacy in each school and we did this through the painting of a mural representing the values of the Olympic Games and the development of sporting ideas and activities to encourage participation that were delivered during our last visit in 2010.
The South African staff are visiting us at the end of September and we look forward to sharing our ideas with them and showing them how we do it in England and returning the hospitality we experienced while in their country. Please click here for photos.
Redborne Racing
Exam Results 2012

AS Level

A Level

Blue Peris GCSE PE and OCR Sport Trip 2012
38 GCSE PE and OCR Sport students spent a week in Snowdonia at the Blue Peris Mountain Centre. They were working towards their final marks and selected to do a variety of adventurous activities. GCSE Students selected either kayaking, hill walking or climbing for the week and the Sport group did a selection of activities and visited adventurous activity providers to find how how they were managed and ran from day to day. A good time was had by all and there were some very good grades gained on the trip. For pictures of the trip, please click here.
Schools Food Challenge Final at the East of England Show
New 3G Artificial Pitch Opens
Saturday 30th June, 2012 saw the opening of a new football facility at Redborne School. The opening ceremony was performed by Mr Croft (Head Teacher), Nadine Dories, the Mayor of Flitwick and Charlie Kitcher (England powered wheelchair football team). Local football clubs came together with staff and students of Redborne School to enjoy the facility on this special occasion. Thanks should go to all who helped raise money for the pitch and the generous help of the Football Foundation. For some photographs of the day, click here. For more information about the pitch please contact Nick Atkins.
Sixth Form Prom 2012
The Sixth Form had their end of Year Prom at Woburn Safari Lodge. As usual, suits were dusted off and the glamorous dresses were unveiled. A great night was had by all and thanks should go to Mr Hinkins and the Sixth Form Prom Committee for all their hard work. For pictures, please click here.
Bedford Autodrome Schools' Grand Prix
Redborne Racing formed in early 2012 with the dream of entering the Bedford Autodrome Schools Grand Prix. Our aim was to finish the race.
24 applicants attended the initial briefing, and a team of 14 was selected including 6 drivers, 6 pit crew and 2 commentators.
The car itself had been untouched since 2004, and in that time, rules and regulations had changed for health and safety reasons. The car needed some serious modifications to be able to pass scrutineering. A sterling effort from students and staff in DT was made over a period of 8 weeks ensuring the necessary modifications were made. The car was ready just in time for a test session at the venue. Bedford Autodrome is a nationally renowned race track operated by Motorsport Vision, which is owned by ex-80's Formula 1 driver, Jonathan Palmer.
The test session was enthusiastically attended by all the team. The team achieved a total of 4 laps before issues regarding the chain dismounting started to become apparent. All students understood the situation and were keen to improve the car for the race.
Modifications were made at Redborne Racing HQ. Demon electronics specialist, Mr Hunt, devised a slow start system to allow the motor to build up to full power over 3 seconds, whilst the rest of the team worked on the roll bar and car settings.
Race day arrived to a glorious sunny day in Bedfordshire. The car, the team and the weather were in sync for a smashing day of motorsport. We qualified mid pack and the race began. Driver strategies and pit changes were hot topics. The press photos and media teams were cleared from the grid and the race began.
We were off to a good start and maintained position. The nature of the smaller and lighter drivers, along with advanced aerodynamics soon made a large impact on the race. We had smooth driver and battery changes, but were no match for the experience of the other teams. We finished the race with no technical problems and achieved 7th out of 12 entries. In the 2.5 hours of the endurance race we completed 72 laps, covering 38.8 miles at an average speed of 15.5 mph. The team achieved a trophy for the 'best technology' used on our car.
The team consisted of;
Drivers: Jim Hobday, Sam James, Ben Day, Sam Aston, James Staniforth
The Pit Crew: Adam Scroxton, Ryan Owens, Tristan Webb, James Hodgins, Henri Auker Phillips
Commentators: Bethany Malcolm, Matt Bull
A valuable learning experience was had by all, and plans are already in place for next year's project. The students were a credit to the school. The target next year is the top step of the podium.
Redborne Pigs on Show
Race for Life 2012
Over the past few years, an increasing number of Redborne staff have taken place in the Race for Life to raise money for breast cancer. Below is an account of the day from one of our intrepid runners.
"Just to say thanks to those who took part - what a blast!
Many thanks to those who sponsored us - there is still plenty of time in case you were busy at the weekend, just go to :
It really was a cracking morning with perfect conditions, apart from the smell of bacon butties, which was a real distraction to us.
A Carnival atmosphere, thumping bass to get us warmed up, banners to follow us to the start line, runners, joggers and walkers, dogs and buggies—bang and we’re off.
The crocodile wound its way around the lake in various hues of pink. All shapes, sizes, ages, wings, wigs, wands and tutus, best of all bucket loads of love and enthusiasm.
There was plenty of encouragement from fellow joggers and supporters along the route. Pockets of slow pace and bottle necks over bridges but all in all not too bad. We all seemed to make it to the finish line, having done our own thing, within a very few minutes of each other. Storming effort girls well done!
Check out the web-site for a date near you or come and join us, the more the merrier. Hope to see you there." (Beryl Bradshaw)
I am sure that everyone congratulates them all for their efforts and wish them well for future events. The ladies were Alison Cross, Sandy Stopher, Donna and Emily Nunn, Hannah Birkett, Alex Scruton, Diane Peel, Gillian, Chloe and Amy Johnstone, Emma Woods and Beryl Bradshaw.
East of England Cooking Competition
Four Year 10 students cooked for the judges for the East of England show preliminary round. They were so impressed with the students that they were told at the end of the judging that they definitely had a place in the final!!
A few tweaks are needed but overall they said the students showed excellent organisation, skill and ability and that they are a real credit to the school. Well done to the Redborne team.
The team was made up of Jack Billington, Jack Clinch, Ellie Banyard and Niamh Lawrence
Year 11 Prom 2012
The Year 11 Prom was a chance for the whole year group to get together before the exams start. It was a tremendous evening enjoyed by all, for more pictures, please click here.
Redborne's Got Talent 2012
Redborne School was once again the place to be on Thursday 3rd May as a big crowd was witness to the talent that Redborne School has to offer. Compared by Joe and Wes, the show was a fast paced singing, dancing, acrobatic and musical extravaganza. The quality of all the acts was excellent and showed maturity well beyond their years. A variety of singers belted out hits from across the decades, which would have had the original artists beam with pride. There was a virtuoso piano solo, a lively demonstration of free-running and a dancer, which in the words of one judge reminded him of a young Michael Jackson. There were guest appearances from past winners and a crowd that joined in with every act giving much needed support. Thanks must go to all the helpers and organisers, which made this event the success that it was. The winner was Kitty Bazalgette. I am sure that you will be hearing of some of the performers in the future and I, for one, cannot wait until next year. Click here for photos from the event.
Sixth Form Study Leave 2012
For information about Year 12 and Year 13 study leave, please click on the relevant year group.
Bedfordshire Mid / High Handicap Golf Championships 2012
With the weather holding out and the course presented in excellent condition at John O'Gaunt, twelve golfers set out from Redborne to try their luck. Everyone played very well and shot some very good scores on the unfamiliar course. Eventually Redborne ran out as runners up in the high handicap event and should be congratulated on their good play and excellent behaviour. The team consisted of Dan Walker, Michael Tate, James Abbott, Will Wright, Nathan Day, Tom Woodward, Ben Day, Tom Skinner, Jake Dawson, Chenna Tigwell, Charlotte McManus and Adam Franklin.
Year 11 District Football Final
The Year 11 football team played in the District Football Final on Tuesday 1st May. For a full write up, please click here.
Tesco Vouchers for Schools
Jazz Cafe 2012
Jazz Cafe is on Thursday 17th May at 7pm. For more details, please click here.
Careers News
It is that time of year when students start thinking about what is the next step in their career. We receive lots of information about apprenticeships and training, make sure you keep informed by visiting our career news section under the Pastoral link at the top of the page.
Sixth Form District Cup Final
Redborne retained their grip on the U18 District Cup when they played at Kempston Rovers ground just before Easter. Despite going 2-0 down from two goals that went against the run of play, Redborne fought back to overcome their opposition 4-2 by full time. Stratton Upper School put up a good fight throughout the game but were outplayed in midfield seeing Aaron Ramsay being named man of the match. Redborne had come through some difficult matches to reach the final, beating Hastingsbury in the quarter final and Samuel Whitbread School in the semi to reach successive finals.
The squad consisted of: Tom Brown, Jonny Wood, Robbie Mottershead, Josh O'Neill, Jack Banfield, Jamie Dimery, Nathan Mallett, Jake O'Neill, Bradley Clarke, Danny Butler, Rhys Pearson, Jordan Darvall (C), Nathan Cubley, James Clegg, Andy Vass, Charlie Barnes
Community Concert 2012
"What a night! Absolutely amazing - extraordinary for the quality of the playing and singing, the level of participation and the scope of your vision in choosing the programme and getting the students to push the boundaries of what we believe it is possible that school musicians are capable of." (Mr Gray, Deputy Headteacher)
Once again, Reborne music students raise the bar and impress at another excellent evening, please click here for pictures.
Food for thought trip, Opal Coast, France
Forty four Year 10-13 Catering and Food Technology students set off for France for a three day residential trip this month. The group visited a cheese farm, a creperie, a desserts demonstration, a chocolate factory, a boulangerie where they made their own baguettes and croissants, and finally a sweet factory when we had opportunity to make our own melon flavoured lollies. Evening entertainment included a Miss Ives which included building the Eiffel Tower using only straws and sticky tape and the much anticipated frogs legs and snails feast.
Despite some absolutely horrendous weather this did not dampen the students’ spirits; their enthusiasm and behaviour was a real credit to the school. Thanks to the staff who attended this trip especially Mrs Molyneux for her being our translator, Mr Whomsley and Mr Jones for providing so much entertainment. We are hoping to run a future trip to Italy next year.
Mrs. Crowther & Miss. Ives
Holocaust survivor speaks to Year 9
On 8th March Steven Frank spoke to all of year 9 about his experiences of surviving the Holocaust. He began with describing his life before the war with his family in Holland and then went on to explaining how the Nuremberg laws began to effect his life. He spoke about his time in the Vesterborg and Terezin death camps and how his mother saved crumbs of bread and mixed them with warm water to ensure he and his brothers survived.
Beth Shalom Trip for Year 9
On the 21st February 65 year 9 students visited the Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre in Nottingham. Students were able to consolidate their learning from History and Religious Studies on the Holocaust by having a tour of the exhibition and memorial gardens which are dedicated to the memory of all victims of the Holocaust. After lunch they listened to a Holocaust survivor - Rudi Oppenheimer, speak of his experience and were then given the opportunity to ask him questions.
Students Exhibit at the Mall Gallery
In partnership with NADFAS and the Dover Federation for the Arts, Georgina Staines and Emily Perry’s work was show-cased at the Mall gallery on Tuesday the 28th of February 2012.
The RBA’s (The Royal Society of British Painters) aim is to send a strong message to schools and colleges and parents that art is a perfectly respectable and plausible choice for a career. After all, all of the RBA members and many of the non-members exhibiting at the Mall this year are living proof that this is achievable.
Ski Trip 2012
The day that seemed like it was never going to come finally arrived! As the hoodies were dished out and the coach rolled out of Redborne on a chilly February evening we were on our way to snow laden Austrian slopes. The journey was uneventful and upon getting to the hotel there was a collective sigh of relief, it was near the slopes, the rooms were nice, the food was hot and tasty.
The resort was spectacular with ample runs for all abilities and the snow was fantastic. All the students enjoyed their respective instructors. The evenings were a combination of in house quizzes where the teacher round once again provoked the greatest reception. One highlight was the rare treat to skate on an Olympic ring as we did in Innsbruck one evening. Equally bowling was a great success and was testament to the group of students we had with us that they all got on so well and enjoyed each other’s company regardless of age.
The abiding memory aside from the amazing food, great snow, top hotel and new friendships being made would be the students themselves. As ever they were a privilege to take away and I wish to thank them for making the staff's job that much easier on the trip. I would like to extend thanks to the teachers who gave up their half terms to go as well, they all added to a very enjoyable and successful trip. Mr A Jones

Public Speaking Contest
Holocaust Memorial Day 2012
On the 24th January Redborne hosted the HMD 2012 event for Bedfordshire. Upper and middle schools from Central Bedfordshire and the Borough came together to mark this years theme, 'Speak up, Speak out'. The Redborne string orchestra contributed with pieces by Handle and Shostakovich and students from year 11 read a piece remembering their visit to Auschwitz.
Year 9 Options
It is that time of year again when Year 9 get to choose preferences for studying at GCSE. Booklets have been distributed to students and are also available by clicking this link. There is a new software package called Kudos designed to help with making choices. Click here for more information about Kudos.
A Level Presentation Evening 2012
This was an excellent evening, giving staff and parents the opportunity to celebrate the school's best ever A level results. Congratulations to all students and we wish you all the best for the future. For more pictures, click here.