OCR A level law (H418) is currently studied in the sixth form.
The course allows students to gain an understanding of how the legal system and laws influence others.
Year 12 students learn about how laws are created, the operation of the civil and criminal courts and legal personnel (e.g. solicitors, barristers and judges). They develop an understanding of the criteria which has to be satisfied for a person to be held liable for non-fatal offences (e.g. assault, battery and grievous bodily harm), negligent acts and harm caused to a lawful or unlawful visitor to their property.
Year 13 students study homicide, property offences (e.g. theft and burglary), vicarious liability (an employer being held at fault for an employee’s wrongdoing) and contract law. They develop analytical and evaluative skills through considering the effectiveness of the law and its links with morality, justice and society.
Students are encouraged to explore the subject beyond the classroom, including watching documentaries (e.g. The Case of Sally Challen and 24 Hours in Police Custody), reading magazines / journals (e.g. Law Review and Law Student) and also reading texts (e.g. The Secret Barrister and Letters to a Law Student).
Furthermore, students participate in local mock trial competitions against other schools, and also visit the Old Bailey (Crown Court) and Royal Courts Justice (High Court and Court of Appeal) in London, to gain a practical understanding of the law.
Mock Trial Competition Winners 2019