What is Careers Information, Advice and Guidance?
We have a statutory requirement to provide students with careers information, advice and guidance. Students need to be given information on a range of choices to help them make well-informed, realistic decisions about their future options in education, training and employment. This information should be independent, impartial and in the best interests of the student.
Good careers education will support students choosing GCSE options, improve motivation, raise aspirations and encourage engagement in education. As a result of the increased choice in education options and pathways available, students may be required to make significant decisions surrounding their education from a much younger age.
At Redborne we have a structured careers programme to support student decision making choices at different stages of their education.
All students have the opportunity to have a careers meeting. Throughout the year there are presentations and workshops in school with the careers advisor and external organisations. Students are offered specialist careers seminars out of school.
We promote extra curriculum activities and volunteering so students make the most of the opportunities available to them and have something to put down on college, sixth form, apprenticeship and university applications.
All students have the opportunity to request an interview with an Independent Careers Advisor at any time throughout Years 9-13. There is a guaranteed offer of either a small group session or 1:1 interview with an Independent Careers Advisor for identified, targeted students (SEND, Pupil Premium, EAL) prior to the end of year 11.
Students in years 9-11 can request an interview through their form tutor. Sixth Form students can request an interview either via their form tutor or by a direct email to Teresa Farrow, Careers Leader. The interviews take place in the careers office, Room 1A, situated on the ground floor of South School. At the end of the meeting every student is given an action plan to have ownership of.
Any student who wishes to speak to the Careers Leader can either drop-in to room 1A or email Mrs Farrow to arrange a mutually convenient time during break, lunchtime or after school.
Pupils, parents, teachers and employers can access further information about the careers programme by contacting Teresa Farrow, Careers Leader
Year Group
Summary of the Planned Programme
By the end of the KS all students will have:
- Overview of post 16 options for pupils and parents/carers, to include A levels, applied general qualifications (eg BTECs), technical/vocational qualifications, apprenticeships and traineeships.
- Via timetabled Personal Wellbeing lessons consider the world of work, causes of labour market changes, investigate the local labour market and discuss skills, qualities and attitudes required by employers.
- Tutor group opportunities to develop self-knowledge and understand how they might relate to different occupations.
- KS4 options event.
- Event for providers of technical education/apprenticeships to include FE colleges and training providers.
- Meetings with careers professional.
- Career Insight Talks.
- Curriculum learning linked to careers.
- Understanding the Redborne Award and how the community strand links to careers (experience of a workplace)
- A better understanding of the full range of 14-19 opportunities for progression.
- A better understanding of their strengths and areas for development, as well as support to evaluate how these might inform future choices in learning and work.
- An understanding of some of the qualities, attitudes and skills needed for employability.
- Used on line careers resources to research information about opportunities and apply their findings to help to make informed choices for KS4 options.
- Received appropriate advice and guidance on KS4 options.
- Life Skills – Large Group work experience preparation session for those students undertaking work experience.
- Life skills – focus on Decision Making -assembly, tutor group, Independent Learning lesson opportunities
- Event for providers of technical education/apprenticeships to include FE colleges and training providers.
- Meetings with careers professional
- Career Insight Talks
- Mock Interviews
- Curriculum learning linked to careers.
- An improved understanding of skills, qualities and attitudes needed for employability.
- Enhanced their self-knowledge, career management and employability skills.
- Used online resources and other sources to investigate and explore future choices and progression routes.
- Been given direct access to employers, colleges and training providers.
- Been given guidance to help identify a range of post-16 options and support networks that they can use to plan and negotiate their career pathways.
- Life Skills – assembly on opportunities at 16
- Life skills - assembly, tutor group, Independent Learning lesson opportunities – focus: post 16 application procedures including CVs, personal statements and preparation for interview.
- Via timetabled Personal Wellbeing lessons considered interpersonal skills, strengths & weaknesses, time management, stress, stress symptoms and management, constructive and destructive criticism, confidence
- Meetings with careers professional
- Career Insight Talks
- Access and support to apply to the National Citizens Service summer programme
- Curriculum learning linked to careers.
- Work visit for targeted group
- A good understanding of skills, qualities and attitudes needed for employability.
- Enhanced their self-knowledge, career management and employability skills.
- Used online resources and other sources to investigate and explore future choices and progression routes.
- Been given direct access to employers, colleges, training providers and Universities.
- Been given guidance to help identify a range of post-16 options and support networks that they can use to plan and negotiate their career pathways.
- Been provided with the resources to complete the post-16 application procedures, including CVs, personal statements and preparation for interview.
- Post-18 assembly – apprenticeships.
- Post-18 assembly – UCAS – HE application process.
- Small group sessions: future education, training and employment options.
- Meetings with careers professional.
- Career Insight Talks.
- Opportunity to access an off-site HE & apprenticeship fair.
- Curriculum learning linked to careers.
- Work visit for targeted group
- Enhanced their self-knowledge, career management and employability skills.
- Used online resources and other sources to investigate and explore future choices and progression routes.
- Received guidance concerning the UCAS application procedure.
- Received guidance to help identify a range of post-18 options.
- Been provided with the resources to develop their CVs, personal statements and interview preparation.
- Been given direct access to employers and HE providers including universities.
- Workshops – HE and higher apprenticeship applications
- Meetings with careers professional
- Career Insight Talks
- Opportunity to access an off-site HE & apprenticeship fair.
- Curriculum learning linked to careers.
- Enhanced their self-knowledge, career management and employability skills.
- Used online resources and other sources to investigate and explore future choices and progression routes.
- Received guidance to support accessing a range of post-18 options.
- Been provided with the resources to develop their CVs, personal statements and interview preparation.
- Been given direct access to employers and HE providers including universities.
A copy of the school's Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy including the Provider Access Policy can be viewed from the link below. It is also available from the policies section of the school website, accessed from the About Our School tab.
For information on what to do following results day, please click on the Moving On link.

Useful impartial website sites (please click the links below)
Find out more about careers, qualifications, opportunities and live vacancies on the following websites;